Region 4 Summer Meeting
July 17-19, 2020
HADS has a bus going to the regional meeting. Make your hotel reservations soon!
Location: DoubleTree Bradley International Airport Hotel 16 Ella Grasso Turnpike (Rt 75), Windsor Locks, CT 06096
Room Rate: $119.00 per night (until June 20, 2020); Call the DoubleTree today at 860-627-5171 for reservations, mentioning “The Connecticut Daylily Society”
Special Guest Speaker: Mr. Curt Hanson, Crintonic Gardens 11757 County Line Road, Gates Mills, Ohio 44040
Tour Gardens: Garden of Kim & Rob Krodel, Avon, CT. Garden of Chrissie & John D’Esopo, Avon, CT Garden of Cheryl Fox and Phil Douville, Bloomfield, CT O’Brien Nurserymen (John O’Brien), Granby, CT
Attention, Region 4 Hybridizers: Auction Donations Most Welcome! Contact: Gary Jones
Daylilies in the articles are:
Yellow Typhoon by Gossard,
2007 and Hurricane Bob by
B. Schwarz, 2003
Many thanks to Betsy Thompson for all the pictures
of daylilies in the newsletter!
CanAm Classic
The 24th Annual CanAm Classic sponsored by the Ontario Daylily Society will be held May 1-3, 2020 at the Doubletree by
Hilton Toronto Airport West Hotel
5444 Dixie Road
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2L2
(1 block south of the 401)
Rooms at a special rate are available
until April 1.

For reservations: 3 choices:
Call the hotel directly 1-905-624-1144 and choose the option for Reservations
Call Hilton central reservations at:
1-800-774-1500 and provide details:
American Daylily Society
2020 National Convention
The Ogeechee Daylily Society proudly invites you to the 2020 ADS National Convention in Savannah, GA.
The dates are Sunday, May 24 –
Wednesday, May 27, 2020.
Visit the Convention Website for all the details.
Hotel: The DeSoto Savannah
15 East Liberty Street, Savannah, GA 31401
912-232-9000 |