Virtual Meeting From CDS – Sat. Aug 25, 2021

LogoThe Connecticut Daylily Society has invited us to join them for a virtual session. Link will be sent to members via email when we get it.
SAVE THE DATE! 9/25/21

Please join the Connecticut Daylily Society on Saturday, September 25 at 1:00 pm. The American Hemerocallis (Daylily) Society President, Scott Elliott of Maneki Neko Gardens in Ellabelle, Georgia, will be the guest for our Zoom Meeting! Scott focuses on doubles, unusual forms. miniatures, and spiders. He will be speaking on the latest of his hybridizing program, along with news and updates from the American Daylily Society. Scott’s talk will be followed by a Q&A on daylily culture. A further email advising of the Zoom log-on will be sent in advance of the program.

Be there for what’s sure to be a wonderful presentation!
Check out Scott’s Website