2020 Calendar of Events
February 16th – Sunday –
Winter Doldrums Party –
Matthew Benson will present
the PhotoGraphic Garden
March 28th – Meeting at
Capital District Garden and
Flower Show
April 18th – Denise Maurer
will talk about “Stunning Succulents”
CanAm Classic– May 1st to
3rd, Mississauga, Ontario
May 9th – Shakespeare in the
Garden with Master Gardener
Cathi Gifford
National Convention –
May 25th to 27th 2020 –
in Savannah, GA
June 20th – Members’ Sale
and Distribution of Babysitters
July 11th – Picnic
Region 4 Summer Meeting –
July 17th to 19th –
in Avon, CT
August 15th – Big Annual Sale
September 19th – TBD
October 17th – TBD
November 21st – Diane Steele
– Workshop on boxwood trees
The Albany Co-Cooperative Ext.
is located at 24 Martin Road,
Voorheesville, NY. 12186.
Meetings begin at 10 am
unless otherwise noted.
The William K Sanford
Town Library is located at
629 Albany Shaker Rd,
Loudonville,NY 12211.
The daylily in the heading is
My Sunny Valentine by
Salter, 2007
Winter Doldrums Gathering
The Annual Doldrums Gathering is a joint celebration held for over 20 years now with the Upstate NY Hosta Society, the Capital Hudson Iris Society and the Hudson Adirondack Daylily Society. We are gathering on Sunday, February 16th, 11:30 am at the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Albany County offices, 24 Martin Road in Voorheesville.
Anyone who would like to help set up should arrive about 10:30 am. Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish to share for the luncheon as well as contributions for the Door Prize table and a friend who would enjoy the talk, food and camaraderie. The Upstate New York Hosta Society is the host this year and they will supply the beverages, paper goods and the guest speaker.
Matthew Benson is an author, award-winning photographer, organic farmer and acclaimed speaker for the National Garden Club of America. Matthew is also involved in the restoration of Stonegate Farm, his 1860s Carpenter Gothic estate farm and studio in New York’s Hudson Valley. Matthew’s talk on THE PHOTOGRAPHIC GARDEN is a comprehensive visual learning experience for garden, landscape, and still life photographers. You’ll learn how to explore the garden with your camera; how to apply the fundamentals of composition, light and color to image-making and how to use digital technology to improve and enhance images you’ve taken. Most of all, you’ll be motivated to see like a camera, work like a professional, and imagine and create like an artist. |