2020 July Picnic and August Sale cont.


Debi Chowdhury –
and Michelle Young

Secretary – Kathryn Mohr

Treasurer – Carol Volungus

Committee Chairs
Programs – Speakers

Debi Chowdhury
and Diane Steele

Historian – vacant

Newsletter Editor
Stephanie Kronau

Hospitality – Barbara Sander
and Don Constantino

Sunshine – Debi Chowdhury

Babysitter Plants
Frank Almquist
and Sharon Gallucci

Display Garden
Pat & Don Salhoff

Website – Janet Spychalski

Photographer – Cindi Jones

Membership – Carol Volungus

Publicity – Cathy Fruhauf
and Diane Steele

Scholarship Chair
Cindy Jennings

We’ll see how things go for September. It may be possible to do a talk through Zoom. Many speakers are using Zoom to present their talks to people. It has worked very well in several presentations.

HADS Scholarship Winner!
From Cindy Jennings, Scholarship Chair

Many “thanks” go out to the excellent committee members who chose a wonderful candidate for the 2020 HADS Scholarship. This year’s student recipient, Samantha Bjorklun was a student from Schenendehowa High School who plans to attend college this fall majoring in Environmental Science at Syracuse Environmental School of Forestry.

While in high school Samantha had excellent school achievement; she was a member of the Science National Honor Society where she became an active participant in food sustainability by helping to implement composting bins throughout the school grounds. She is presently working outside the home to assist her family in making her dream to go to college possible.

Samantha wrote a “thank you” note to the membership expressing her appreciation for being chosen as this year’s scholarship winner. She wrote of her concern as to the future with the COVID-19 virus and how colleges will handle enrollments, but she is hopeful she will still be able to attend college in the fall.

Daylilies is the articles above are:
Greywoods Cowgirl Casanova by Wilkinson, 2012 and Mighty Goliath by Gossard, 2007