2020 Calendar of Events
May 30th – Zoom meeting –
Shakespeare in the Garden with
Master Gardener Cathie Gifford
National Convention –
May 25th to 27th 2020 –
in Savannah, GA
June 20th – Members’ Sale
July 11th – Picnic
Region 4 Summer Meeting –
CANCELLED July 17th to 19th
– in Avon, CT
August 15th – Big Annual Sale
September 19th – Robert Clyde
October 17th – TBD
November 21st – Diane Steele
– workshop on boxwood trees
The Albany Co-Cooperative Ext.
is located at 24 Martin Road,
Voorheesville, NY. 12186.
Meetings begin at 10 am
unless otherwise noted.
The William K Sanford
Town Library is located at
629 Albany Shaker Rd,
Loudonville,NY 12211.
The daylily in the heading is
Unbridled By Constraints by
C. Hanson, 2014
We had to cancel our originally scheduled meeting in early May as you all know. However, the Master Gardeners have graciously set up a Zoom meeting for us so we can all hear Cathie Gifford’s presentation on ‘Shakespeare in the Garden.” The Zoom meeting is set for May 30th at 10:30 am.
It’s very easy to attend a Zoom meeting. Just go to Zoom.us and download the software to your computer, tablet or phone.
There is a link in the notice below which will register you for the meeting. You will then receive an email from the Master Gardeners with the link for the meeting itself. If you have already registered, you should have received a recent email from Carole Henry which also contained a password to join the meeting. In case you have trouble joining the meeting, the password is 8uCJVB.
Just open the email on Saturday May 30th at 10:20 am and click on the link. It will take you out to the meeting where you will be admitted by the meeting administrator.
We’re looking forward to possibly seeing you on Saturday and to hearing Cathie’s presentation.
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 30, 2020 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting: